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processore multicanale
Prezzo di vendita199,00 €



Each of Liquid Mix's 32 channels provides EQ and Compressor emulations selected from a huge pool of high-quality vintage and modern day classics. 20 EQs and 40 Compressors are available straight out of the box, with an expanding library online. Furthermore, a totally unique hybrid 7-band 'super EQ' can be built out of separate classic EQ sections in every one of the 32 channels. Each channel appears as a separate VST/AU/RTAS effect within the sequencer and will work within all major applications, including Pro Tools. Liquid Mix uses the same patented Dynamic Convolution process as Focusrite's Liquid Channel. Unlike standard convolution techniques, Dynamic Convolution utilizes vast processing power to sample the effect of a classic processor on a series of audio pulses, at many different gain settings and all frequencies. In Liquid Mix, all this processing is done using onboard DSP, so the processing has almost no effect on your computer's own CPU.

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Every Liquid Mix channel uses dynamic convolution to provide 20 EQs and 40 compressors, with a free expanding library online
32 Channels of Liquid Mix Compression and 32 EQs run off Liquid Mix's own DSP - many more than are possible with CPU alone.
EQ and Compression can be applied via a hands-on control surface, or within your DAW application via a simple GUI.
Unique 7-band super EQs can be creat