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Produttore JTS

doppio microfono
Prezzo di vendita275,00 €


The E-7R/E-7Du wireless microphone system is of latest wireless circuit design. It provides 16 selectable channels. Stable RF link and good audio performance are assured. 7 segments display makes operation easy. The system is of
very affordable price.

Frequency Preparation: PLL Synthesized Control
Carrier Frequency Range: TO BE CONFIRMED
S/N Ratio: >100dB
T.H.D: <0.6%@1KHz>
Display Contents: Channel, RF/AF Status
Controls: Power On/Off, Channel Selecting, Audio Level
Audio Output Level: -15dB
AF Output Impedance: 600Ω
Squelch: Pilot Tone & Noise Mute
Operation Voltage: 12V 250mA (E-7Du)
Output Connector: 6.3mm balanced jack
Dimensions: 210mm(W) x 40mm(H) x 170mm(D)
Channels: Dual Channel